Intuitive Coaching
About Beverly
Beverly grew up as the person with the soft shoulder to cry on, the one who’s job was to make everyone feel better. It wasn’t until she learned what being an Energy Empath was and how to create boundaries that she reclaimed her health, her focus, and her purpose. She now works with individuals and groups to do the same.
Intuitive Coaching and Energy Transformation
Human beings operate on more levels than just the physical. During our session, I connect with you on the Emotional plane, the Energetic plane, and the Etheric plane. Think of these as tree rings and it makes more sense.
Each Energy Transformation Session begins with clarification of the desired outcome.
Then I will connect with your energy field remotely and guide you through a variety of perception exercises. These can range from tapping, shifting your body posture, or guided imagery, and may even require homework or tasks to be done after our time on the phone is finished.
During our session, I use guided visualizations to help you shift the stories that you’ve been telling yourself. Some of these stories have been stored in your DNA (see: epigenetics), and others seem to have roots in a past life. I follow the energy and allow it lead me to the root, where you can then re-imagine a different story for yourself.
Most calls last about an hour, but I suggest blocking off an additional 90 minutes for yourself for processing time once the session is complete.
Transformation work can be tiring, especially if there is a major cornerstone pattern that is being rewritten, so you might feel sleepy while I guide you in some of the deeper visualization work. I use bodily cues to pinpoint energy that needs to be removed, so you may experience temporary fullness in your head, or a feeling of heaviness in your body while the energy is moving out of your system. Please make all efforts to be in a quiet location where you won’t be interrupted. Have a glass of water available, since this can be thirsty work. Ideally, allow yourself time for a rest after the session.
Often, a client will appear in my mind as if they were a hologram, so I am guided to physical areas to focus on. I am not a medical professional, so I don’t advise on treating conditions that are best left to healers with training in physical ailments. However, once the energy that may be contributing to physical pain and discomfort is eliminated, you might experience a lessening of your symptoms.
Click one of the buttons below to schedule and pay for your Energy Transformation session. Once you've booked your session, you will receive a questionnaire that will help us maximize our time together. Please fill this out prior to our session so I may review it before you are on the phone.
I work primarily via phone or video call.
If I will be visiting a particular city, I will send out an email notification for in-person appointments.
Your transformation session is $180, and will last between 45-90 minutes on average. Please leave yourself a two hour window to allow for rest after our session if needed.
There are no refunds for this service. Instead, I will donate a session to a person of your choice. Please email with their info and I will contact them to reserve their time.
Pick My Brain
This session is for clients who have already completed at least one Energy Transformation Session and are familiar with how my process works. It’s designed for those moments when you are either in crisis mode and need the Energy ER, or for when you are fumbling around for direction and require assistance finding the proverbial light switch.
During this session, we will focus on up to 3 challenges you are having, and you will fill out a questionnaire to help us maximize your time with me.
Group Coaching
Are you ready to combine your inner work with anchoring things physically in your home?
Then “Un-Becoming: 9 Weeks to Positive Change and Inner Peace!” is for you!
Each week we will delve into a sector of the home, and journal/chat/clear the energy shifts that come up. Graduates receive the opportunity to attend a fun retreat at the end as a reward for being willing to “go deep” with Joy and Play!
I’m not your fairy godmother.
While I have had clients experience dramatic transformations, I cannot guarantee that you will hit the lottery, suddenly be discovered by your perfect employer, or magically find the partner of your dreams.
This is your journey.
I am here to serve as a mentor and guide to help light your way. Let’s talk about the life you know you should be living, and clear away whatever is in the way of it.