Residential Feng Shui
Feng Shui for your home.
Your home is your castle.
Whether you live in a 15,000 sq ft reconditioned church or a 400 sq ft apartment, how it looks and feels will have a major impact on your overall life experience. Homes also have a way of sharing a desire to help you achieve your desires by sharing your needs with those who are trained to listen to them.
Since 2004, I’ve studied with many teachers to learn how to speak the language of living spaces, and my clients have appreciated having a translator. Plainly said, I see and feel what your house only wishes it could tell you.
What does a space say?
Here are some images along with my interpretation of what the rooms are communicating, based on Feng Shui principles. I love design and designers, but when they create without an understanding of 5 Element Theory and the domino effect of poor energy flow, it shows. By the way, I love working with interior designers to give them the decorating parameters for their clients. It’s always a win-win, and a beautiful one at that.
A Place That Says “Don’t Touch”
This is a perfect example of a photographer creating a showcase for the artwork at back wall. With so many of the seating options lined up around the perimeter, it virtually screams “Museum Hands Only.” The swagged drapery adds a water element that is mirrored by the many curved lines of the furniture, which makes the whole room feel “dreamy”.
Equality in the Bedroom
This is a well-balanced example for a bedroom. Notice: the lamps on either side of the bed are the same height and there are equal-sized tables on either side. The bench at the foot of the bed stops any fast-moving energy heading towards those sleeping here. The cushioned headboard is solid which is supportive of the occupants. The lush pillows add elegance and softness, increasing the needed Earth energy for restful sleep.
This arrangement supports equality in the relationship, and even if one is single, any future partner will likely be a better match than if there was only one lamp or a smaller bedside table on the other side.
A Room with a View
The wood floors and strong verticals in the chair legs and table offer a respite from the intense ocean energy. There will be people who would not be comfortable sitting with their backs to the glass wall, as it does not allow for a feeling of total safety.
My suggestion for this room would be to turn the table vertically, so everyone could enjoy the view.
What is “Chi”?
Energy moves in your space in tangible and intangible ways. Wind is intangible, but you sure love a gentle breeze on a hot day. Water is tangible, since you can see the waterfall or the stagnant pond. Knowing what to watch out for can mean the difference between a money pit and your personal slice of heaven!
Beyond the always present questions of
“How can I make more money, improve my health, or attract more love? “,
here are some common situations to get you thinking about how Feng Shui could help you, too.
Help! The “energy” in my home feels “heavy”!
Perhaps you had a house guest that was going through deep grief. Or the previous occupant of your space had to be evicted. Energy is like a fingerprint. Detectives can identify the oily, personalized residue of an individual after they have left the scene by dusting for them. As an Empath, I “dust” for residual energy and remove it!
Help! The clutter in my home overwhelms me!
Take a look at the stuff around you. Do you love it? Does it contain joyful energy? Is it fully functional? Unless the answer is a “Hell YES!”, I give you permission to get rid of it. The question is “Do you know HOW to get rid of the clutter with joy, ease and grace?” Because I can help you get to that space where release happens.
Help! My home is not selling!
Trying to SELL your house so you don’t think Feng Shui is for you? Well, if it’s been sitting for a while, then you most likely have some energetic funk lingering, and buyers can tell. My Space Clearing process works wonders to release the property so that you can move on to the next delightful phase of your life.
Help! I’m self-employed and my productivity is at an all time low!
Entrepreneurs often have their home office in the same place that they live. If this is you, then you need some serious boundaries if you want to avoid burnout. I’m committed to helping people create an office space that makes money AND a space so they can sleep at night too. Which means #1 free piece of advice is NO working on your laptop in bed. That space is for sex and sleep.
Help! I’m building a new home!
So many decisions go into designing your space from the ground up! I will help you make sure that you are facing the direction designed to bring the most success and ease. Your architect and I can collaborate on the home design to ensure that you won’t have a bathroom flushing your money away or a missing corner chipping away at your marital bliss.
Help! I’m planning a major renovation!
Each year, the energies change, making one direction much less favorable than others. By planning your renovations to coincide with avoiding the problematic energies, I can help you save time, money, and headaches. Plus, I can evaluate your proposed renovation to increase the beneficial chi in your space.
It’s time.
All homes are not created equal, but nearly all homes can have their problems mitigated to at least have a neutral impact on you, instead of being a negative influence. I can help you help yourself. Isn’t it time for you to have more love, better health, and more financial security?
Other people have said
My multi-million dollar home had sat on the market for over 3 years. I had other feng shui consultants and energy workers come out to the property. It wasn't until Beverly identified the blocks in the surrounding land and in some property left over from my ex-husband that the house finally sold. The home sold in the time frame that she shared, too. Now we are finally released from this burden and on to our new lives!
I got a full price offer in the 1st week after the St. Joseph statue was buried. Thanks to you. That property had been sitting vacant for 10 months! You are cool. Thanks for your help.
Recently I heard Beverly's excellent presentation on Feng Shui. Today, as I went about my house making the adjustments necessary to improve energy flow, I realized that my bed covers the "Health" part of the Bagua chart.
I also remembered that I had stored under my bed a beautiful white-plaster body cast done of me by an artist a decade ago. In 2004, a mover damaged the sculpture, so I'd kept it wrapped in storage for four years. Last year, I placed the padded piece under the bed. Today, as I pulled it out, I could not remember where it was damaged, so I unwrapped it to take a look.
I was shocked to see that the entire right hip and thigh were broken off. I now am in physical therapy for a recent, painful injury to the right sacral joint, hip and thigh. What's more, the current injury is the latest caused by a succession of accidents beginning in late 2004, all of which injured the right hip and thigh.
I have sent golden light into the sculpture to heal the break and placed it in the "Creativity and Children" section of the Bagua - where white objects, art and symbols of creativity are power tools.
I expect that my own healing will be accelerated and permanent!
Thank you, Bev.
Let’s be clear here…
While I have had clients experience dramatic transformations, I cannot guarantee that you will hit the lottery, suddenly be discovered by your perfect employer, or magically find the partner of your dreams.
There’s some skin in the game on your part.
We’ll talk about those pieces, too, along with the action steps needed for anchoring the desired results in your physical space.