What is Space Clearing?
Humans are unique.
Humans have many identifiable markers. The sound of our voices, the way we walk, the shape of our bodies, our natural body odor, what type of dental work we have had, and, of course, our fingerprints…all are unique to us and create a familiarity that brings an emotional response. Ideally, it’s comfort and happiness, but sometimes it’s associated with trauma, grief, and despair. Each time we enter a space, we leave behind trace elements of our energy, much like the fingerprints that are left behind on objects. One look at a touch screen, and you’ll know what I’m talking about!
Space Clearing is a process that cleans up these left-behind elements of energy.
It doesn’t suddenly transform a place with “bad vibes” into an oasis of zen…but it can take it back to a neutral state where Joy can then be installed. It’s like wiping a computer’s memory creates a blank slate for new programs to be installed.
I use muscle testing (kinesiology) to determine what technique is best for a particular space. In fact, that’s how Joy Water was birthed! I was assigned to a cubicle after 4 people had cycled through it in the previous 6 months. There was a HUGE energy vortex there and I needed to stabilize it FAST, or else I would be spun out just like the others. I had been using a process using Epsom salts, alcohol, and fire, and my new employer definitely wasn’t open to this, let alone burning sage. So, I asked my guides for inspiration and created Joy Water from a blend of essential oils and purified water and sprayed around my desk. It worked!
My individualized process of creating on-the-spot essential oil blends for the spaces was born out of a desire to quickly transform the energy cleanly and deeply. I now have a repertoire of nearly 200 essential oils that I select from to maximize the healing and clearing for my clients.
Why Essential Oils?
There are many health-related reasons, but for me and my practice, it’s all about vibration and emotions.
I have experienced the connectivity between feelings and experiences that don’t have words to be adequately described be addressed, acknowledged, and released with smelling certain scents.
My clients appreciate that I use this knowledge and my intuition to guide them through visualizations.
This allows them to fully participate in the space clearing process for the room, as well as receiving the borrowed benefits for their own personal lives.
DIY Space Clearing.
Would you like to experience this for yourself? Here’s my process: I tear off a square of aluminum foil, shaped into a small circular container.
After placing it in a fireproof container, I add approximately 1-2 Tablespoons of Epsom Salts and moisten it with 1-2 teaspoons of 91% rubbing alcohol. (I personally have a small copper bowl placed on top of a Pyrex pie plate, and then all of that is on top of a very thick hot pad.)
After turning off any fans and being aware of anything potentially flammable around me, I use a fire starter to light the alcohol.
Negative energy is attracted to the Epsom Salts, and transmuted through the flames. It takes about 10 minutes for the fire to go out, and once the foil pot is cool, it can be discarded in the trash outside.
Congratulations! You have just shifted the energy into the space back to neutral!
The oils shown in this photo were specifically selected to assist this family with a bonding ritual. Each stone heart was then passed around the family members with their energy being placed in the objects. This is just one of the options that can happen during a custom space clearing session.
The practice of energy mitigation.
The first image has a sideways heart…this was after clearing the bedroom of a recent divorce.
The other images are from a variety of after-effects of varying oils in different rooms. It’s fascinating to see what shapes and patterns the energy takes as it leave!
I first became aware of this powerful transformational process from a Native American healer, and then again while reading “Sacred Spaces”, a book by Denise Lynn. It’s simplicity belies its power.
It’s intended for spaces that are in need of a major shift, especially after deep grief, relationship issues, job changes, and triggered childhood traumas.
This process goes deeper than using Sage, Nag Champa, Joy Water, singing bowls, toning, or other generalized room clearing sprays. These methods are wonderful for daily cleansing and energy hygiene, and I use them when directed by my intuition and guides.
An essential oil-enhanced fire cleanse can be compared to psychic surgery. We’ve all had certain smells bring back old memories of comfort, as well as triggers of trauma. During a space clearing appointment, I provide guided visualizations as part of the experience. I encourage clients to consider an additional Energy Transformation Session as part of the after-care process.

Space Clearing Services with Beverly Biehl now available!
What People Are Saying!
Beverly, My friend just shared this with me after our session together, and I knew you’d get a kick out of it!
“You know, Mia-Michelle, I did that walkthrough with you awhile back because I’m your friend and I’m here to support you. I thought it was so weird, and that lady was burping and talking about the energy she was feeling and clearing! I didn’t believe it was real, but you can still feel the difference, and the love…it feels so good! I’m a believer!”
I love how all of these good things just keep happening for me and my business since our session together. I had no clue how it would work doing it remotely, but you coached me through it and made it easy!
Thank goodness for FaceTime!
— Mia-Michelle Henry, Peoria, Illinois https://www.msmiamichelle.com
We enjoy having Beverly come to our offices to do her magical space clearing! As soon as she arrives, we eagerly anticipate the burst of creative teamwork that happens after she has completed her work."
- Janette Holmes, Director of Knowledge, Poo-Pourri
Beverly, before the fire cleanse and Feng Shui Makeover, the energy in the house felt stagnant. I was in total and complete overwhelm because of the clutter and chaotic emotions. Literally could feel the grief associated with my father being so ill, and my Mother, siblings and I being heartbroken because we knew he would soon make his transition.
When you came over, my family thought I was practicing witchcraft and gave me a stern lecture. Two days later when they came back over, they said the house felt peaceful and filled with the Presence of God.
I cannot thank you enough for your help in clearing away fear based emotions and providing the clarity we needed to begin our healing journeys.
— Kadena Tate, Grand Prairie, Texas http://www.Kadenatate.com
I don’t limit myself to one brand of essential oil. If the energy and vibration are calling to me, then I add it to my ever-expanding collection!
Obviously, using fire in a client’s home or office can be off-limits, so in those situations I create individual energy clearing room sprays, and include a customized mantra to be spoken aloud in the space.
If you are interested in this option, please contact me directly!
Please let me know in advance if there are oils that you know you are sensitive to so I can create an alternative solution.
Investment is $250 with travel up to 50 miles and up to 90 minutes on site.
I add a $30 surcharge over 50 miles from my home in Austin. If you are out of state, a shipping and handling fee will be added to mail the custom oil and salt blends. The box will also contain a small kit that will include everything but the Pyrex dish, lighter, and hot pads.
Refunds: No refunds once the box of custom oils have been mailed. 100% refund if canceled with 24 hours notice. No refunds after 24 hours.
Next steps: Book your appointment here if local. Email me if you wish to discuss a remote space clearing.
Does everyone need to be home for this to work? Not at all! I do ask that curious pets be crated while the fire cleanse is going. I don’t want any singed whiskers!
Do you use the same essential oil blends for each room? No, each fire cleanse blend is customized to the unique needs of each space and client.
Have you burned anyone’s house down? Of course not! In the 15 years that I’ve been using this process, only once has a smoke alarm gone off, and that was when I was forced to use inferior 80% hand sanitizer instead of 91% rubbing alcohol due to supply chain shortages experienced in the COVID pandemic.